Laziness deserves consequences!

WORKOUT: 4.6 Miles on Treadmill & Body Pump Class at BSC

As you can see, I missed THREE days of working out. I did absolutely nothing Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I have no excuse other than pure laziness. I was so mad at myself for not running on Sunday ( I mapped out a great 8 mile run, and never went), so I made myself rake leaves in the backyard as a punishment to myself, haha! I figured it was definitely a punishment for me, and a benefit for Paul, so it was a good compromise over sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips.  Oh well, there is no point in dwelling on it, today was a new day and I had a great morning workout.  Reading other running and exercise blogs are great motivation for exercising……..I think, if they can do it and not be lazy, so can I!

Anyways, the Californian’s are coming into town this week – probably all tan and stuff……I am on airport duty for both of them, so hopefully they atleast buy me a coffee, and maybe an early Hanukkah/Christmas gift?!?! I think I deserve it for getting up early on my DAY OFF to pick up my sister and staying up late on a work night for picking up my brother.

This hideous face is what happens if I don't get enough sleep!

I just ordered a few running products, suggested from Skinny Runner blog. I will let you know what i think once they arrive and I can test them out!

Here is what I ordered:

Nike Tempo Running Shorts (from city sports) – I have 20% off coupons if anyone is interested, and the coupon can be used online!

Gotein Protein To Go – It is small packets of protein powder to add to a bottle of water.  It would be great fuel before a run, or just to keep in your purse in case of emergency (aka GROUCHY & HUNGRY)

Picky Bars-They are made with all natural ingredients and few calories (compared to other protein bars)

Anyone else ever tried these products?

Thanks to Kickboxing, I can not move today


Tuesday (NOTHING)

Wednesday-5 mile run on treadmill

Thursday-Body Pump Class and then Kick Boxing Class

The two classes at the BSC I took last night kicked my ass. I am just getting back into weights after taking about 3-4 months off after my wedding.  It just sucks when you realize how out of shape you are! My legs, my back, my everything hurts today. Kick boxing always makes me feel aaaaa-mazing afterward though!

Is anyone really this happy when exercising?!?

I made an exercise schedule so I can try not to make excuses that it is too cold or too dark out. It is soooo hard to get out of bed when I see Paul cuddled up under the covers. I am much more of a morning person and he is much more of an evening person, so we pretty much never see eachother – its awesome!

For the winter this is my plan:

Sunday: Long Run (6-7 miles, and hopefully continue to increase) – MORNING

Monday: Body Pump Class & 2-3 miles – MORNING

Tuesday: OFF

Wednesday: 5 Mile run (with Anna) -AFTER WORK

Thursday: Body Pump Class and Kick Boxing Class -AFTER WORK

Friday: 4 Mile Run -WHENEVER

Saturday: OFF

I am already missing a work out this week (as I just made the schedule) – but I don’t think it would be a good idea to run since I am so sore from last night!

Working Away (check out my yoga puppies calendar!)

This time of year there are so many promotions, sales, and various ways stores are trying to get you to buy their product. Take advantage of this, it saves serious money! Starbucks is having a 2 for 1 special, for the next couple days, check it out!

Have you found any good holiday deals that are worth taking advantage of?

I need to play some memory games…….ASAP!


Saturday-3 Mile walk with my friend Brooke and her little munchkin Benjamin

Sunday-6.5 Mile Run outside

WORKOUT TODAY: Body Pump Class

I had a really great weekend with friends and family! The fall weather has been warm so far this year, (minus that stupid snow storm we had in OCTOBER!) in the mid 60’s, so everyone is taking advantage of being outside as much as possible before the cold weather. I kind of started marathon training this weekend, and I asked Paul last night when he is going to start, and he says WEDNESDAY – lets see if that happens!

I am totally an air head and every morning I think to myself – “I am going to take lots of pictures today to put on my blog”. And then every day after I have that thought – I FORGET! I really need to get used to having my camera with me at all times. Lets see if I can be better at it this week! I am thinking of getting the IPhone 4 since it has a pretty good camera, then if I forget my actual camera I have  back up. Right now I have the IPhone 3G and the camera sucks and has no flash. Last night at dinner I was talking with someone who just bought the IPhone 4 (not 4G) for just $50! Not Bad! Here is a photo of me and my friend Hayley from Halloween a few years ago as a placement for all the photos I wish I took this weekend!

Don't Mess With Me!! (haha)

Let the Marathon Training Begin………..

WORKOUT: 1.5 Miles on Treadmill and Body Pump Class (Yesterday)

WORKOUT: 5 Mile Run Outside (Today)

I think I have officially started Marathon training again. I have not signed up yet, and we all know until you pay the money for the race, things can change. But my husband actually plans to run it with me (well he says we will not “run” together, which means he is nervous he can not keep up with me so he plans to run his own pace). I will give him a hard time between now and the race and make him run with me (I am really way too good at nagging him – it has become  problem, SORRY BABE!). The marathon is in LA this coming March. Paul ran a half marathon once like 10 years ago – and he hates running, so this should be fun, hehe.  Hopefully my sister and brother will meet us down in LA too since they live in Cali, AND it is just a few days before my 30th (ahhhhhhhhhhhh), so we might all have to take a much needed family trip to Vegas after the race :).

This is how excited Paul is to run a Marathon!!

Has anyone ever ran the LA Marathon before? Any tips? Thanks!

Moving is fun and not fun at the same time

WORKOUT: 4.2 Miles Outside with Anna (yesterday)

Me and Anna!

After our big run (haha) we went to Panera Bread and finally started to study for our Personal Trainers license. We are taking the test in February, so its time to get crackin’!!

Studying in Panera!

This week has been beautiful – weather has been fantastic and the trees look amazing in the fall, I love New England this time of year!!

The past two weeks have been extremely busy. Moving sure does take a lot out of you! We eventually decided on a new couch and dining table. Now that we have the big things out of the way we can start to enjoy our new house.  Our neighbors are so friendly and our location is perfect for us. We are just a quick 15 minute drive into Boston!

My diet and exercise have been all over the place (which pretty much means I have not been exercising and have been eating way too much food), and this is never good before the holidays… I am back at it and going to work on being better at being healthier with both. Paul’s family is having a wedding celebration for us (for those of you who don’t know me too well, this will be our FOURTH wedding!).  I want to try to get in some sort of shape so when I meet some of his family and friends for the first time they wont think I am some out of shape, flabby American girl!

Any tips on how to stop eating Halloween candy and everything else in sight?? 🙂

I love the color GREEN!

Workout: 4 Miles on treadmill

Okay, well I don’t actually LOVE the color green all that much normally – but today I do. Paul had his Green Card interview in Boston today and since I am his petitioner I had to go too. They took me into the room alone before they even interviewed him and drilled me with questions about us! Wow it was scary, I can’t imagine how anyone could handle this if they were not in a “real” relationship.  Let me just tell you, this whole process has been very intense. We applied for the Green Card in the beginning of March and we finally had our interview today and passed – Paul now has his Green Card and will be a permanent resident! I never realized how lucky we (as in US Citizens) are that we don’t have to go through this process, it is stressful!

After celebrating over a cup of coffee (seriously, we are pretty lame, I know!) we went furniture shopping for the 1034927839492th time in two weeks. We are moving into our new house on Friday so hopefully we can make a decision soon and never step foot into a furniture store again (well until we are super rich and can then buy really really fancy stuff). Does anyone know a good furniture store around the Boston area that you recommend?

I promise to start posting pictures soon – after we move on Friday I can find our camera which is hidden in one of our boxes…………….

Under Construction!

Workout: Ran 5 Miles Outside

Under construction….more to follow soon!