I love the color GREEN!

Workout: 4 Miles on treadmill

Okay, well I don’t actually LOVE the color green all that much normally – but today I do. Paul had his Green Card interview in Boston today and since I am his petitioner I had to go too. They took me into the room alone before they even interviewed him and drilled me with questions about us! Wow it was scary, I can’t imagine how anyone could handle this if they were not in a “real” relationship.  Let me just tell you, this whole process has been very intense. We applied for the Green Card in the beginning of March and we finally had our interview today and passed – Paul now has his Green Card and will be a permanent resident! I never realized how lucky we (as in US Citizens) are that we don’t have to go through this process, it is stressful!

After celebrating over a cup of coffee (seriously, we are pretty lame, I know!) we went furniture shopping for the 1034927839492th time in two weeks. We are moving into our new house on Friday so hopefully we can make a decision soon and never step foot into a furniture store again (well until we are super rich and can then buy really really fancy stuff). Does anyone know a good furniture store around the Boston area that you recommend?

I promise to start posting pictures soon – after we move on Friday I can find our camera which is hidden in one of our boxes…………….

Posted on October 27, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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