I need to play some memory games…….ASAP!


Saturday-3 Mile walk with my friend Brooke and her little munchkin Benjamin

Sunday-6.5 Mile Run outside

WORKOUT TODAY: Body Pump Class

I had a really great weekend with friends and family! The fall weather has been warm so far this year, (minus that stupid snow storm we had in OCTOBER!) in the mid 60’s, so everyone is taking advantage of being outside as much as possible before the cold weather. I kind of started marathon training this weekend, and I asked Paul last night when he is going to start, and he says WEDNESDAY – lets see if that happens!

I am totally an air head and every morning I think to myself – “I am going to take lots of pictures today to put on my blog”. And then every day after I have that thought – I FORGET! I really need to get used to having my camera with me at all times. Lets see if I can be better at it this week! I am thinking of getting the IPhone 4 since it has a pretty good camera, then if I forget my actual camera I have  back up. Right now I have the IPhone 3G and the camera sucks and has no flash. Last night at dinner I was talking with someone who just bought the IPhone 4 (not 4G) for just $50! Not Bad! Here is a photo of me and my friend Hayley from Halloween a few years ago as a placement for all the photos I wish I took this weekend!

Don't Mess With Me!! (haha)

Posted on November 14, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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