
Race Recaps

I absolutely love competition. So obviously, I love running races! I usually am only in competition with myself (other than beating my brothers time in the marathon – which I did!). Below are some of the recaps from my races. However I have run smaller races many times including, Falmouth, Tufts 10K, Local 5-milers, etc.


So far the one and only marathon I ran was the  2010 Boston Marathon I ran with Tedy’s Team for the American Heart Association. I raised about $10,000 and had the best experience of my life training with amazing people who have now become good friends of mine.  I also ran the marathon faster than I had imagined, 3:47:21.

Half Marathons

Because I can be pretty lazy, I have a goal of running one marathon half marathon in every state! So far I have completed four states, New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
Hawaii and Rhode Island.

Seacoast Half Marathon, Portsmouth, NH 11.12.06, 1:53:35

This was my first half marathon and I ran with two of my good friends, Brooke and Lindsey. The race was just six months after my dad passed away and I ran with a photo of him on my arm for inspiration.

Wicked Half Marathon, Salem, MA, 9.27.08, 1:47:20

This race started super early, (6AM I think), and it was a rainy, cold day. I had a lot of fun running this race, my little brother ran it with me! Unfortunately he beat me on this course, which is  why I was determined to beat his marathon time!

Kona Half Marathon, Kona, HI, 6.27.10, 1:50:28

I RAN A HALF MARATHON IN HAWAII! Because I had raised so much money during the Boston Marathon with Tedy’s Team,  I was able to go to Hawaii with them and run with Train to End Stroke (both part of the AHA). My husband Paul came with me and we were able to make a great vacation out of it, too! As you can imagine, running a half marathon in June in Hawaii was HOT!!

Newport Half Marathon, Newport, RI 10.16.11, 1:51:25

Running through Newport (along the water) in the fall is exactly what I think running is all about. I ran this race with two of my co-workers, one who had never run a race before in her life!

  1. I’m so impressed you were able to raise over $10,000! I just started training / raising money for the Boston and am encouraged you were able to do so. Any tips or suggestions?

    • Hi jsadora, congrats on running and raising money for a charity! I would love to talk to you about ideas. I did a few fundraisers and also had amazing family and friends who were very generous with donations. One fundraiser I did was a “bootcamp” which encouraged people to come and exercise and the instructor donated her time. We did it outside at a big park so it brought a lot of people! Feel free to email me if you want some other ideas!

      • The bootcamp idea sounds awesome. As if I don’t try to get my friends and family to work out with me enough, that will really get them going. I will definitely be in contact. Thanks!

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